San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians

Valley View Casino Expansion - Final Environmental Evaluation


This is the Final Environmental Evaluation (EE) for the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indian’s (Tribe’s) Valley View Casino Expansion Project. This Final EE has been prepared after consideration of all comments received from the public, local governments, and regulatory agencies on the January 2018 EE.

As described in the January 2018 EE, the Tribe proposes to expand the Valley View Casino by adding approximately 40,000 square feet of additional building space. This area would include an expanded gaming area, restaurant and kitchen, promotions area, offices, and new restrooms. The proposed project would also involve the renovation of the existing Casino to accommodate a 2,550-square foot buffet expansion and a 1,130-square foot players club. The proposed project does not involve a net increase in the number of gaming devices in the short term, though it would provide space for additional gaming devices in the future if the Tribe’s compact allows. Additionally, the proposed project includes the construction of a new welcome sign on land owned by the Tribe near the intersection of Valley Center Road and N. Lake Wohlford Road. Prior to the expansion project, the Tribe is completing an EE process consistent with the Tribal State Gaming Compact, Section 10.8, and the Tribe’s Environmental Ordinance (Ordinance No. 062000-1). A summary of the proposed mitigation measures from the January 2018 EE is presented in Table 1-1.

As part of the Tribe’s environmental review process, the EE was circulated for a 30-day comment period from January 8 to February 7, 2018. Copies of the EE were made available to local government and regulatory agencies, members of the public, and other interested parties. Copies of all written comments received are provided in Section 2.0. The Tribe held a public meeting to receive additional comments regarding the project on February 8, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. in the Valley View Casino Events Center, 16300 Nyemii Pass Road, Valley Center, California. The minutes from the public comment portion of the meeting are provided in Section 2.0 of this document. The newspaper notice announcing the public meeting is included in Appendix A.

The Tribe, in determining how to proceed with the proposed project, considered all comments made during the public review period. Based on the comments received, the Tribe has added the mitigation measures described in Table 1-2 and has revised the proposed project as described in Section 3.0. Most importantly, the Tribe has decided not to proceed with the construction of the 58-foot welcome sign described in the EE, and instead is beginning a new design process for a smaller welcome sign.

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San Pasqual Casino Development Group Inc.

Shawii Kitchen 


Valley View Casino & Hotel 


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