San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians

Housing & Community Development

Mission & Purpose

The San Pasqual Housing and Community Development (SPHCD)  Shall Strive to Provide Band Members, Their Families and Descendents, Other Native Americans, and the Community in the Service Area of the Band, Opportunities to Obtain and Maintain Suitable Housing and Related Community Services; Administer and Maintain Tribal Housing and Leasing Programs; and Administer Tribal Land Use, Such as Assignments and Leasing. In Doing So, it Shall Seek Out Opportunities to Strengthen Tribal Government, and to Resolve the Needs of our Citizens. 


The San Pasqual Housing and Community Development Department is deploying a needs assessment survey to obtain statistical information regarding the needs of the reservation community.  Funding Agencies require statistical information when applying for grant funding.  This is to justify the need for services.  Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to complete this survey.  You may fill out the survey online for your convenience. Go to the web page for: and click on Departments, then click on Needs Assessment Survey.  We will also mail the survey out to all San Pasqual Reservation residents and enrolled Tribal members.  If you lack technological expertise you may be able to pick up a survey at the Housing Building or at the Tribal Office.  If you will be picking up at survey at Housing please call Anna Alvarado or Diana Martinez at (760) 651-5130.

Download survey here



Staff Members

Housing Executive Director

Anna Alvarado
Housing Specialist

Eileen Velasquez
Resource Service Counselor

Enterprises of SPBMI

San Pasqual Casino Development Group Inc.

Shawii Kitchen 


Valley View Casino & Hotel 


© 2018. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians.